Thursday 3 November 2016

Simile Poem

In class we did a simile poem and I did mine on a llama. It was a difficult poem to do because it was hard to compare something so perfect into something else 😏 I enjoyed writing about a llama because I am obsessed with them. I found this task fun and enjoyable and I'd definitely do it again.

Monday 31 October 2016

Science Expo - Danielle Savage

Science expo:

So basically in Grade 4,5 and 6, every year we do a science expo and what is science expo is where you find a experiment and do some research to do an oral for a judge.

I worked with Zeanne, which was really fun because she was very creative! We both had completely different ideas and we decided to compare the 2 energies but that didn't exactly work out because it was too difficult.

We ended up doing a wind turbine and we originally wanted to light up a LED light but it didn't work for some odd reason. So we bought a voltmeter and just measured the electricity.

Our poster was pink and had a white boarder. We had glitter EVERYWHERE, we worked (time wise) quite well and ended up decorating just before 2nd break.

Our judge was friendly but as soon as he walked in a was praying we wouldn't go first ;) when he came to us it was very chilled, he just asked us simple questions without pressuring us

It was wonderful working with Zeanne but I think next year I will be going alone because I've worked with a partner twice now and I would like to see what it's like.

Monday 29 August 2016

Hippo Diary-Danielle S

Tuesday 16 August 2016

I can't believe my mom and dad let me keep Gertruit! She's such a smart hippo. I thought it was a good idea to train her, until she ruined our vegetable garden. Mom said that if this kind of behavior continues, she will give Gertruit away! I need to make a plan as soon as possible.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Since Gertruit ruined our vegetable garden, I needed to show mom that Gertruit and I are terribly sorry. In order to do that I needed to teach Gertruit how to write (in order to make a card of course) 
She broke all of my pens and pencils. Now I have nothing for school, Mr Raven gave me detention because he didn't believe that I had a pet hippo. Mom wasn't pleased either, she grounded me for a month!

Thursday 18 August 2016

I explained to mom that we were just trying to help. She told me that everybody makes mistakes, but I am still on dish duty. Gertruit now spends her days outside in the garden. I know what your thinking, isn't she going to ruin the vegetables again?! No, we moved that to the front garden for everybody to see our hard work. I'm trying to keep Gertruit under control for now. 

Wednesday 15 June 2016

Ek wil myself onthou...

My naam is Danielle, ek is 11 jaar oud. Ek wil jou oor myself vertel. My gunsteling kleur is Groen, en pankoeke is die beste kos in die wêreld. Ek is baie lief daat dat is die rede dat ek is lief vir Selena Gomez. Ek speel Netbal en Sagtebal. Ek is in die A span vir altwee. My bestie vrendin se naame is Danielle, Zeanne, Hannah en Jemma!
Jemma en ek het Sagtebal gedoen en ons is die cuptain 

Ek wil my eie YouTube kanaal hê omdat ek kan my eie fliek. Ek wil ń deeltydse werk hê omdat ek kan geld verdien, koop ń HoverBoard omdat dit is ń goed speelding. Ek wil besoek Europe omdat ek wil koop emoji kissings.

Monday 13 June 2016

powerful verbs

• I chose this topic because I absolutely adore netball. Mr Raven had told us that we had to go home and think about a topic. I had a netball match that day. When I defended a pass I felt that I had to use this specific topic.

• I enjoyed this activity because when I am not doing netball I still think about netball so it's an opportunity to bring myself to netball other than playing the game.

• My biggest challenge about this task was attempting to use powerful verbs, so what I did was to give myself normal boring verbs and then I converted them into powerful verbs.

• I am very pleased with what my end product was and I definitely will do this again in a heartbeat.

Tuesday 24 May 2016

Informal Settlements

Name: Danielle 
Surname: Savage
No.of siblings: 6
Age: 11
Date Of Birth: 25/02/05
Medical condition: Asthma 

This morning I woke up as early and as tired as ever because my school is 1HR away from my shack, but just then I realized the most spoiled, careless, unappreciative school is coming to visit us (the poor school). 

So I got to school (late) as always, we started working on the same thing we've been learning about this whole year so far, I don't think we will ever learn something different, as I finished my temper tantrum the school got here. This one boy said how could they live in this dump and started calling me names like poor old woman, stupid, ugly old brat and a whole bunch of stuff that my mommy says I'm not aloud to say.

Anyway so I needed to go to the bathroom (AKA the bush) and I had to look left and then right and left again just so that nobody can see me. Oh you didn't know? We don't have bathrooms at our school. That's normal, right? 
I just wish we could have a better education experience so I can possibly if I'm lucky go to collage.

When it got to the end of the school day I walked home and just then as I took a step into my shack made out of litter, I saw my mother crying her eyes out. I asked "what's wrong?" very concernedly, she said that she's gonna have to sign me up for adoption.. At first I was sad and disappointed but then I realized that I wouldn't be suffering as much anymore, but it still didn't add up.. Why? we were okay.. I guess? I asked her as sincerely as possible, she answered with "we just hate to see you suffer" my dad interrupted in the middle of her explanation stating that I have a choice, a choice that will change my life or a choice that will leave me just like I am today. I needed more time to think.

The next morning was a Saturday I woke to my bedroom walls leaking from the rain, from a long night of thinking and I realized that I can be rich and unhappy or poor and happy. What choice would you have made? I had to stay with my family, they mean the world to me. When I had explain my point of view with a big grin, we spent the rest of the day with my 6 brothers and sisters.
I think I'm their favourite :)

Friday 22 April 2016

Abby's Diary - visit from the singing inspector

                                         Dear Diary                                           

Today, you'll never believe who had given us a visit! Mr R had come to our class , why? Why our class? I understand that I sound selfish but you really don't understand how frightening he is. When he walked in, my knees were shaking and for some odd reason I started grinding my teeth. If you thought that was bad you'll NEVER believe what came after that

So anyway he had called us into the assembly hall, and that already was frightening enough, and yet he tested our singing (I know right) Mr R called Tom and I up, and it went we'll at first but then my voice cracked! Mr R was not impressed with what had just happened. But forget about that I felt bad for Tom, he stared screaming at us (even though it was only my fault) he just sees it as an opportunity to embarrass us.

The truth is Mr R is the worst person in the world. He doesn't care about human decency! I mean I don't even like or want to sing. I should have the right to speak my mind without biting my tongue!


Thursday 3 March 2016

Sick during ILT?

Hi everyone,

As you can see by the title of this blog I was sick during ILT. Most of you would think that catching up would be easy if I had a partner who would have helped me. But here's the big issue; I didn't have a partner. Some people would assume that if i had done the work during the time that I was sick 
(3 days) it would've been easier. But I had more than just any cold, i had a sore throat, stomach ache, sore back, runny nose, blocked nose, head ache, tonsillitis and hay fever. 

I was sick on the first day of ILT but the second day was my birthday so even though I was sick I felt that I needed to see my friends at school and to not be bored and alone on my birthday so I went anyway. Everyone was finishing off their posters and I hadn't brought the things that I needed so I just sat there with my friends watching them. I mean it was fun  and all talking to them but the more time went by the more sick i felt. Anyway, so i went home and asked my dad to buy some things for the poster that I needed to start on, at the end of the day I finished but I was so tired. I didn't go to school on the Friday either It was a bit of a bummed out day considering is was the day after my birthday(that day always sucks doesn't it?). Anyway so the next day was my birthday party it was AMAZING! and I felt a little bit better at the party it was an interesting week but it was one that I will NEVER forget!  

Thursday 28 January 2016

My brand new blog!

I am very excited about my new blog!
I look forward to blogging more during the new year in Grade 5

Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...