Monday 24 July 2017


The past two terms we've been working on a stop motion project, which is where we have to make a background using acrylic paint and cardboard. we also then make our superhero or villain (although it has to be original) out of Plasticine which never dries so when we do our project, we can make the characters move their legs, mouths, arms etc. for a better result, to make a stop motion story

My partner Zeanne and I, made our character which helps people work out their problems and forgive each other. Her name is PixaGirl because she is a Pixie and we wanted that to be in her name (as it  says on the attachment)

This whole project has been really fun to do because I especially loved making our character and that was my favorite part.

The process of how and why Zeanne and I chose the story line and the way she was presented is that we both decided that  wed think of a story and give feedback to the other partner. We did so and decided that both of those stories aren't what both of us like which is the most important part. Compromising and making sure your partner is pleased. So we referred to a book that both of us once read about the parents arguing and added a pixie into the mix. We are both very pleased with our story line and we feel that we are managing our time well.

One of our many frustrations were that we couldn't get the camera to co-operate with the way the characters had to be placed and it is quite difficult to get your whole background in the picture without getting classmates, tables and the classroom in general in. This project really does prove that it's easier said than done.


  1. well done that looks good

    1. Thank you so much Calum, I'm sure yours looks amazing

  2. well done that looks good

  3. Great Blog Hope you had a great time making your super hero it's really really good!

    1. Thank you. I did have fun, Zeanne was a great partner.

  4. I love the layout of your blog.

  5. Nice blog I think this is one of the best blogs
    never give up!!!

  6. That was a awesome blog thanks for all the good information I really liked reading it

  7. Danielle I loved your post [and your character] you made it sound like you had so much fun you and Zeanne have made a really wonderful character she is so beautiful and is really unique from all of the other characters good luck.

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. I love your character, its so beautiful!

  10. Thank you for being such a great partner for this project!


Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...