Monday 13 February 2017

Grade 6 2017

We are officially in Grade 6, and it's been fun, but also very tiring. on top of that we had The Little Mermaid auditions, I think I did quite well and my singing has improved but still needs work. We are the oldest in the school which means we get to be monitors sometime in the year. When our classes turn comes, I hope i'm not an upstairs monitor, which is when you have to spend every break upstairs making sure nobody is spending their break there. The reason I don't want to be that monitor is because I've worked the period of time before break and I'd like to run around and have fun with our friends who don't happen to be in our class, if I'm a upstairs monitor I cant do that for a whole term.

Although I have some things that I don't want to happen this year, I also have some goals, especially getting Netball and Softball Player of the Year award again so I'd have it three years in a row. We've had our first softball match, and although we lost, it was great playing again! I really hope our season goes well, as this is our last year at the Senior Primary and id like to leave knowing that I've set a reputation and that i worked hard.

I'm in Mrs Kent's class this year and I'm very happy with my class because I have most of my friends in it. All my friends and I get on very well, in fact, we went to Zeanne's house last weekend.. we had an absolute blast!

I hope  Grade 6 goes well and i have an awesome last year at the senior primary, setting a good reputation, having fun and making lots of new friends.

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Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...