Monday 4 December 2017

Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School

Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House. This is my last year at the Senior Primary (Grade 6), no to mention my second last day. 

I have grown as a person so much since grade 4, and I'm super happy with the person I've become. 

The highlights from my Senior Primary experience are definitely, 
1. Playing Netball
2.Clubs and Societies 
3.The super fun outings in Grade 5  
4. Netball tour in Grade 6
5. Making great relationships with some of the teachers and coaches 
6. Making new friends with great influences 

Thursday 31 August 2017

Email Etiquette

We (The Grade 6 pupils) were given a hiperdoc about email etiquette and the things to remember when emailing your teacher.

Number 1: Use a solution
Number 2: Give a specific subject
Number 3:Keep it to the point
Number 4: Be professional
Number 5: Sign and proofread

I hope these simple steps help you remember some tips when emailing your teacher.

Monday 31 July 2017


Image result for August Pullman

From Term 1 until the end of Term 2, we as a Grade have been reading the book, Wonder in our English reading lessons.

The story line is about a boy named August. Also known as Auggie. He has a facial deformity which I feel makes him quite insecure. He's been home schooled all his life and for the first time, he went to an actual school in Grade 5.

A few kids such as one in specific, Julian, bully/tease August and play the 'cheese touch'. One day a girl, Summer, who I relate to the most, walks up to Auggie and starts to have a conversation and starts to get to know him and is really fond of him.

This story has a line which really stuck with me because its very short and to the point. Let's also not forget inspiring. "Choose Kind". its such a simple thing to do and remember which I feel most people forget.

A movie about this book has been filmed and is coming out later this year. I'll attach the link for you to watch the trailer.

I highly recommend this book personally and it just teaches you that the small things you do, can make a huge impact on someones life. Whether it be positives or negative. Choose Kind.

Monday 24 July 2017


The past two terms we've been working on a stop motion project, which is where we have to make a background using acrylic paint and cardboard. we also then make our superhero or villain (although it has to be original) out of Plasticine which never dries so when we do our project, we can make the characters move their legs, mouths, arms etc. for a better result, to make a stop motion story

My partner Zeanne and I, made our character which helps people work out their problems and forgive each other. Her name is PixaGirl because she is a Pixie and we wanted that to be in her name (as it  says on the attachment)

This whole project has been really fun to do because I especially loved making our character and that was my favorite part.

The process of how and why Zeanne and I chose the story line and the way she was presented is that we both decided that  wed think of a story and give feedback to the other partner. We did so and decided that both of those stories aren't what both of us like which is the most important part. Compromising and making sure your partner is pleased. So we referred to a book that both of us once read about the parents arguing and added a pixie into the mix. We are both very pleased with our story line and we feel that we are managing our time well.

One of our many frustrations were that we couldn't get the camera to co-operate with the way the characters had to be placed and it is quite difficult to get your whole background in the picture without getting classmates, tables and the classroom in general in. This project really does prove that it's easier said than done.

Sunday 4 June 2017

Netball match

We were instructed to write a post about anything we choose, and I chose my netball match from 3 weeks ago.

We played against Wolraad Woltemade and we won 10-3. We played very well, my team and I trusted each other and used our channels. Although we played amazingly, we still need to work on the small stuff. Such as, stepping and handling. (And lobbing for Danielle Pereira ;) ) Coach Robyn even said its the best we've played! My brother said that next week, he will be home from hostile due to exams and he will be coming to watch my next match! Super excited!

Monday 6 March 2017

Poetry ILT

Last week Wednesday, we started off with our first  ILT (Integrated Learning Task)  for Grade 6. An ILT is 3 days of group work. We have a topic for each ILT we do. The teachers  explain the work that relates to the topic and we follow it whichever order we like, as long as everything is done in 3 days (Wednesday, Thursday and Friday).

Our topic this term was poetry, we had to write many poems and do some research on certain terminology words. One of the poems I did was about the masks that we were as people, we all pretend to be something we aren't just to fit in. The specific type of  poem that I did is called a Blackout Poem, which you basically take a page from a book, magazine etc. and you take certain words from that page and form your own poem from the words on that page of writing.

My poem went like this:
masks I use to wear,
 to the playground, to the supermarket
I think I wore it for a couple of years
but I had gotten use to wearing it.

I personally loved this activity because although we were restricted to only the words used on that page, we were able to write about anything we like and add decoration to the page.
Image result for masks that we wear to fit inImage result for blackout poems

I'm super tired from this ILT and I just cant wait to get all of the stress from ILT off at camp! I am going on my last camp at the senior primary on Wednesday until Friday and I am very excited because I've figured out who my true friends are, not the fake ones, and I am going to have a blast with the people who I enjoy spending time with.

Monday 13 February 2017

Grade 6 2017

We are officially in Grade 6, and it's been fun, but also very tiring. on top of that we had The Little Mermaid auditions, I think I did quite well and my singing has improved but still needs work. We are the oldest in the school which means we get to be monitors sometime in the year. When our classes turn comes, I hope i'm not an upstairs monitor, which is when you have to spend every break upstairs making sure nobody is spending their break there. The reason I don't want to be that monitor is because I've worked the period of time before break and I'd like to run around and have fun with our friends who don't happen to be in our class, if I'm a upstairs monitor I cant do that for a whole term.

Although I have some things that I don't want to happen this year, I also have some goals, especially getting Netball and Softball Player of the Year award again so I'd have it three years in a row. We've had our first softball match, and although we lost, it was great playing again! I really hope our season goes well, as this is our last year at the Senior Primary and id like to leave knowing that I've set a reputation and that i worked hard.

I'm in Mrs Kent's class this year and I'm very happy with my class because I have most of my friends in it. All my friends and I get on very well, in fact, we went to Zeanne's house last weekend.. we had an absolute blast!

I hope  Grade 6 goes well and i have an awesome last year at the senior primary, setting a good reputation, having fun and making lots of new friends.

Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...