Monday 31 October 2016

Science Expo - Danielle Savage

Science expo:

So basically in Grade 4,5 and 6, every year we do a science expo and what is science expo is where you find a experiment and do some research to do an oral for a judge.

I worked with Zeanne, which was really fun because she was very creative! We both had completely different ideas and we decided to compare the 2 energies but that didn't exactly work out because it was too difficult.

We ended up doing a wind turbine and we originally wanted to light up a LED light but it didn't work for some odd reason. So we bought a voltmeter and just measured the electricity.

Our poster was pink and had a white boarder. We had glitter EVERYWHERE, we worked (time wise) quite well and ended up decorating just before 2nd break.

Our judge was friendly but as soon as he walked in a was praying we wouldn't go first ;) when he came to us it was very chilled, he just asked us simple questions without pressuring us

It was wonderful working with Zeanne but I think next year I will be going alone because I've worked with a partner twice now and I would like to see what it's like.

Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...