Wednesday 15 June 2016

Ek wil myself onthou...

My naam is Danielle, ek is 11 jaar oud. Ek wil jou oor myself vertel. My gunsteling kleur is Groen, en pankoeke is die beste kos in die wêreld. Ek is baie lief daat dat is die rede dat ek is lief vir Selena Gomez. Ek speel Netbal en Sagtebal. Ek is in die A span vir altwee. My bestie vrendin se naame is Danielle, Zeanne, Hannah en Jemma!
Jemma en ek het Sagtebal gedoen en ons is die cuptain 

Ek wil my eie YouTube kanaal hê omdat ek kan my eie fliek. Ek wil ń deeltydse werk hê omdat ek kan geld verdien, koop ń HoverBoard omdat dit is ń goed speelding. Ek wil besoek Europe omdat ek wil koop emoji kissings.

Monday 13 June 2016

powerful verbs

• I chose this topic because I absolutely adore netball. Mr Raven had told us that we had to go home and think about a topic. I had a netball match that day. When I defended a pass I felt that I had to use this specific topic.

• I enjoyed this activity because when I am not doing netball I still think about netball so it's an opportunity to bring myself to netball other than playing the game.

• My biggest challenge about this task was attempting to use powerful verbs, so what I did was to give myself normal boring verbs and then I converted them into powerful verbs.

• I am very pleased with what my end product was and I definitely will do this again in a heartbeat.

Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...