Monday 29 August 2016

Hippo Diary-Danielle S

Tuesday 16 August 2016

I can't believe my mom and dad let me keep Gertruit! She's such a smart hippo. I thought it was a good idea to train her, until she ruined our vegetable garden. Mom said that if this kind of behavior continues, she will give Gertruit away! I need to make a plan as soon as possible.

Wednesday 17 August 2016

Since Gertruit ruined our vegetable garden, I needed to show mom that Gertruit and I are terribly sorry. In order to do that I needed to teach Gertruit how to write (in order to make a card of course) 
She broke all of my pens and pencils. Now I have nothing for school, Mr Raven gave me detention because he didn't believe that I had a pet hippo. Mom wasn't pleased either, she grounded me for a month!

Thursday 18 August 2016

I explained to mom that we were just trying to help. She told me that everybody makes mistakes, but I am still on dish duty. Gertruit now spends her days outside in the garden. I know what your thinking, isn't she going to ruin the vegetables again?! No, we moved that to the front garden for everybody to see our hard work. I'm trying to keep Gertruit under control for now. 

Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...