Tuesday 24 May 2016

Informal Settlements

Name: Danielle 
Surname: Savage
No.of siblings: 6
Age: 11
Date Of Birth: 25/02/05
Medical condition: Asthma 

This morning I woke up as early and as tired as ever because my school is 1HR away from my shack, but just then I realized the most spoiled, careless, unappreciative school is coming to visit us (the poor school). 

So I got to school (late) as always, we started working on the same thing we've been learning about this whole year so far, I don't think we will ever learn something different, as I finished my temper tantrum the school got here. This one boy said how could they live in this dump and started calling me names like poor old woman, stupid, ugly old brat and a whole bunch of stuff that my mommy says I'm not aloud to say.

Anyway so I needed to go to the bathroom (AKA the bush) and I had to look left and then right and left again just so that nobody can see me. Oh you didn't know? We don't have bathrooms at our school. That's normal, right? 
I just wish we could have a better education experience so I can possibly if I'm lucky go to collage.

When it got to the end of the school day I walked home and just then as I took a step into my shack made out of litter, I saw my mother crying her eyes out. I asked "what's wrong?" very concernedly, she said that she's gonna have to sign me up for adoption.. At first I was sad and disappointed but then I realized that I wouldn't be suffering as much anymore, but it still didn't add up.. Why? we were okay.. I guess? I asked her as sincerely as possible, she answered with "we just hate to see you suffer" my dad interrupted in the middle of her explanation stating that I have a choice, a choice that will change my life or a choice that will leave me just like I am today. I needed more time to think.

The next morning was a Saturday I woke to my bedroom walls leaking from the rain, from a long night of thinking and I realized that I can be rich and unhappy or poor and happy. What choice would you have made? I had to stay with my family, they mean the world to me. When I had explain my point of view with a big grin, we spent the rest of the day with my 6 brothers and sisters.
I think I'm their favourite :)

Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...