Friday 22 April 2016

Abby's Diary - visit from the singing inspector

                                         Dear Diary                                           

Today, you'll never believe who had given us a visit! Mr R had come to our class , why? Why our class? I understand that I sound selfish but you really don't understand how frightening he is. When he walked in, my knees were shaking and for some odd reason I started grinding my teeth. If you thought that was bad you'll NEVER believe what came after that

So anyway he had called us into the assembly hall, and that already was frightening enough, and yet he tested our singing (I know right) Mr R called Tom and I up, and it went we'll at first but then my voice cracked! Mr R was not impressed with what had just happened. But forget about that I felt bad for Tom, he stared screaming at us (even though it was only my fault) he just sees it as an opportunity to embarrass us.

The truth is Mr R is the worst person in the world. He doesn't care about human decency! I mean I don't even like or want to sing. I should have the right to speak my mind without biting my tongue!


Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...