Thursday 3 March 2016

Sick during ILT?

Hi everyone,

As you can see by the title of this blog I was sick during ILT. Most of you would think that catching up would be easy if I had a partner who would have helped me. But here's the big issue; I didn't have a partner. Some people would assume that if i had done the work during the time that I was sick 
(3 days) it would've been easier. But I had more than just any cold, i had a sore throat, stomach ache, sore back, runny nose, blocked nose, head ache, tonsillitis and hay fever. 

I was sick on the first day of ILT but the second day was my birthday so even though I was sick I felt that I needed to see my friends at school and to not be bored and alone on my birthday so I went anyway. Everyone was finishing off their posters and I hadn't brought the things that I needed so I just sat there with my friends watching them. I mean it was fun  and all talking to them but the more time went by the more sick i felt. Anyway, so i went home and asked my dad to buy some things for the poster that I needed to start on, at the end of the day I finished but I was so tired. I didn't go to school on the Friday either It was a bit of a bummed out day considering is was the day after my birthday(that day always sucks doesn't it?). Anyway so the next day was my birthday party it was AMAZING! and I felt a little bit better at the party it was an interesting week but it was one that I will NEVER forget!  

Finished senior primary

Finished Senior Primary.. off to High School Hello. This is the last time I'll be blogging as a Senior Primary child at Elkanah House...